整合領域的領航者 元智工管
天工 樞機 、 智肇 元智


請選擇年度: 請選擇教授:
2023Luciana Triani Dewi;Jui-Feng Lin, A comparison of the effectiveness of cognitive load on conventional and complexity features of eye movement: a preliminary investigation, 第30屆中華民國人因工程學會年會暨學術研討會 ( 2023/03/03 )會議論文林瑞豐
2023廖柏旻;Jui-Feng Lin;Hao Huang;賴瑋晨, 運用校務研究資料發展畢業學籍狀態與成績之預測模型, 第30屆中華民國人因工程學會年會暨學術研討會 ( 2023/03/03 )會議論文林瑞豐
2023林靖翰;王長澤;林婉婷;Ray F. Lin, 影片刺激下對於臉部溫度與情緒之間的建模差異, 第30屆中華民國人因工程學會年會暨學術研討會 ( 2023/03/03 )會議論文林瑞豐
2023Chia-Hsuan Lee;Tomas Mendoza;Chien-Hua Huang;Tien-Lung Sun, Comparative analysis of fall risk assessment features in community-elderly and stroke survivors: Insights from sensor-based data, Healthcare, Vol.11, No.13, pp 1938~NA( 2023/07 )期刊論文孫天龍
2023Jerry Chen;J.S. Shieh;Chi-Yuan Lee;Chuan-Jun Su;Liang Y.-C.;Tien-Lung Sun, Autonomous System with Cyber-Physical Integrating Features on Public Utility of Chemical Fiber Factory, The 25th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCII 2023)會議論文孫天龍
2023Hou-Tai Chang;Chen-ju Lin;Florence Leony, Mortality analysis of treatment combinations in COVID-19 ICU patients: a retrospective observational study, 2023 6th International Conference on Healthcare Service Management (ICHSM 2023) ( 2023/05/12 )會議論文張厚台
2023Wei-Chang Yeh;Yi-Ping Lin;Liang Y.-C.;Chyh-Ming Lai;Chia-Ling Huang, Simplified swarm optimization for hyperparameters of convolutional neural networks, Computers & Industrial Engineering, Vol.177, No.NA, pp 109076~NA( 2023/03 )期刊論文梁韵嘉
2023Jerry Chen;J.S. Shieh;Chi-Yuan Lee;Chuan-Jun Su;Liang Y.-C.;Tien-Lung Sun, Autonomous System with Cyber-Physical Integrating Features on Public Utility of Chemical Fiber Factory, The 25th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCII 2023)會議論文梁韵嘉
2023Chuen-Sheng Cheng;Pei-Wen Chen;Yu-Tang Wu, Phase I Analysis of Nonlinear Profiles Using Anomaly Detection Techniques, Applied Sciences, Vol.13, No.4, pp 2147~2147( 2023/02 )期刊論文陳佩雯
2023Chuen-Sheng Cheng;Pei-Wen Chen;吳雨唐;王靖雯, 參數為估計時 Laney 𝒑 ′ 管制圖之特性研究和績效評估, 品質與效率學刊, Vol.1, No.1, pp 21~30( 2023/03 )期刊論文陳佩雯
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